On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board.
PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary July 10, 2023
Regular Business
- Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm
- Adjournment at 9:13 pm
- Board Members Present:
- Baney
- Clark
- McNitt
- Mitchell
- Pease
- Vick
- Board Members Absent:
- Martin
- Public Participation:
- K.Perkins
Board Approvals
- Regular Meeting Minutes 6/12/23
- Special Meeting Minutes 6/13/23 and 6/22/23
- Closed Session Minutes 6/12/23, 6/13/23 and 6/22/23
- Financial Reports and Monthly Bills
- Donation from Indiana Michigan Power for $4,350.00 to the HS Robotics Program
- 2022/23 Fall and Spring Counts
- Tenure
- Superintendent Contract
- Ray Martin designated as the VBCo Association of School Board's Representative for 2023/24
- Annual Loan/Repayment Activity Application/Resolution
- Millage Levies Resolution (L-4029)
- Arrivals
- Chris Brill - HS JV Girls Golf Coach
- Chris Roach - HS JV Boys Tennis Coach
- Angelica Heine - EE Young Five's Teacher
- Departures
- Aisha Honorable - HS Second Grade Teacher
Board Discussion
- 10 Minute Team Builder
- Community Survey Follow-up
- Superintendent Performance Evaluation
Schedule for 2023/24
- Spring Sports Review - Alan Farnquist, Athletic Director
- District Evaluation Tools & Processes - Superintendent Reo
- PAC Presentation - Kris Perkins, Technical Director
Next Regular Meeting(please note the date change)
- August 14, 2023, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus
- A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited.
"The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new." - Socrates