On behalf of the Board of Education we are pleased to provide these new quick summaries of our meetings for review. Full minutes will continue to be posted on the PPPS site once approved by the Board. Please join us when you can in person, but if you cannot attend, full videos of the meetings are posted on our Youtube channel within a few days.
PPPS Board of Education - Board Meeting Summary November 14, 2022
Regular Business
- Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm
- Adjournment at 9:37 pm
- Board Members Present:
- Baney
- Martin
- McNitt
- Meier
- Vick
- Board Members Absent:
- Clark
- Public Participation:
- A. Johnson
- T. Meier
- M. Remillard
- D. Doyle
- Closed Session for Superintendent Evaluation
Board Approvals
- Regular Meeting Minutes 10/10/22
- Special Meeting Minutes 10/24/22
- COW Meeting Minutes 10/24/22
- Financial Reports and Monthly Bills
- New High School Course - Creative Writing
- First Reading of Fall Neola Policies (0144.1, 6108, 6460, 6700, 7440.03, and 9150)
- Strategic Plan
- SOC Open for the 2nd Trimester November 15 - November 23(See SOC form on district website for grade level openings)
- Arrivals
- Katey Sampson - First Grade Teacher
- Departures
- Stephanie Walker - Executive Director of Business Operations
- Melissa Remillard - Early Elementary Principal
- Brent McNitt - School Board Member
- Note: B. McNitt took his newly elected school board seat immediately.
- Qualtrics Presentation by Jace Johns
- Student Academic Data Update by Corey Harbaugh
Pride & Progress
- Citizens of the Month - October 2022:
- Paige SHolander - 6th Grade
- Roman Sonnenberg - 7th Grade
- Karleigh Stamp - 8th Grade
Next Regular Meeting
- December 12, 2022, 7pm, Cedar Street Campus
- A pre-meeting Meet & Greet with refreshments will begin at 6:30pm and all are invited.
"The Secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but on building the new." - Socrates