We are so glad having our students back in the building. This is our last full week of the semester. Next week we have no school Monday the 18th and we will have half days Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then no students again on Friday the 22nd. We encourage students to finish up the semester strong. First semester ends Thursday, the 21st at 11:10. Second semester begins Monday, January 25th. If you are considering changing from virtual to in person learning, please contact Kelly Touchtone at (269)415-5712 to discuss schedule options.
almost 4 years ago, Sunny
Aspire Academy students, we are so excited to see your faces on Monday, January, 11th. Get plenty of rest over the weekend, as we will be ready to finish up the semester strong!
almost 4 years ago, Sunny
Welcome back
Did you know that nearly 1 in every 33 kids lives in a home with someone other than their parents, and that includes many families in the Paw Paw district? (The AARP estimates the number of children being raised by grandparents has more than doubled in recent years, for instance.) Paw Paw PS wants to partner will all the families in our district, so the next Parent Chat will focus on the experiences of Nontraditional Families, including information and resources that can help these families support students towards health, happiness, and success. The next Parent Chat is Thursday, January 14, at 7 PM on Zoom. To register and get a Zoom link, please visit the PPPS webpage, at ppps.org. During this session there will be information for all families, including District and local resources available for support.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Family is a Family is a Family book cover image
Welcome back from Winter break everyone! Remote learning runs from the 4th through the 8th. We hope everyone had a restful break and we are ready to jump back in
almost 4 years ago, Sunny
Welcome Back to School!
Reminder: Meal Pickup Today (Monday). 7 days worth of breakfast and lunch. Special time, 1pm-6pm, @ Paw Paw High School. Please make sure to have your trunk or back seats clear and open for staff to place food into your vehicle. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
Happy Holidays to all of our Cedar Street families! We will return through remote learning on Monday, January 4th 2021. I am anxiously awaiting getting to see all of your faces!
about 4 years ago, Sunny
Waiting for her friends
Because every child deserves a village, the next PPPS Parent Chat program (Thursday, January 14, @ 7 PM) will focus on raising kids in any kind of family, with special focus on non-traditional families, with information, resources, and time to chat. Go to ppps.org for more info.
about 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Parent Chat Families Graphic
Because every child deserves a village, the next PPPS Parent Chat program (Thursday, January 14, @ 7 PM) will focus on raising kids in any kind of family, with special focus on non-traditional families, with information, resources, and time to chat. Go to ppps.org for more info.
about 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Parent Chat on Non Traditional Families
At the 12/14/2020 PPPS School Board Meeting, Executive Director of Business Operations Stephanie Walker shares details of many of the extra and unexpected costs of conducting school business during the COVID pandemic.
about 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Budget graphic
At the 12/14/2020 PPPS School Board Meeting, Executive Director of Business Operations Stephanie Walker shares details of many of the extra and unexpected costs of conducting school year during the COVID pandemic.
about 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Budget graphic
PPPS Parent Chat 3 addressed the topic of "Students and Anxiety". The presentation by social workers Jen Krause and Deb Doyle can be found here, and has information/strategies for individuals experiencing anxiety: https://pawpawmi.sites.thrillshare.com/page/behavioral-resources
about 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Anxiety Graphic
In following with the MDHHS order, we will continue our remote learning through the start of our Winter Break. We miss our Aspire students and hope to return to face to face learning soon!
about 4 years ago, Sunny
We miss you so much!
Good Afternoon Paw Paw Families, Due to a shortage in drivers tomorrow, Wednesday, December 9th we are unable to transport the children on the Bunny & Dino bus to and from school. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks!
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Walker
Paw Paw Families, Due to a shortage in drivers today, Tuesday, December 8th we are unable to transport the children on the Dog & Butterfly bus to and from school. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks!
about 4 years ago, Stephanie Walker
This Thursday, December 10, at 7 PM, PPPS will hold its next Parent Chat Session to share information/strategies about students/families and anxiety. The program is virtual. To have the Zoom link emailed to you, please click on this link: https://forms.gle/wXaVuck4ZKMgsyhA8
about 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
The next Paw Paw Public Schools Parent Chat will take place Thursday, December 9 @ 7 PM via Zoom. The focus will be on providing support and working with students who are experiencing anxiety. Look for details to be posted here on Monday for a link to the meeting.
about 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Parent Chat Graphic
Happy December! It's great to have our GSRP students back in the building. We look forward to seeing our Aspire students back on Wednesday, December 9th.
about 4 years ago, Sunny
Hello December
Happy Thanksgiving Aspire and Cedar Street Community and Family Center families! We hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday.
about 4 years ago, Sunny
Happy Thanksgiving!
Great job to staff and students as we get this first week of transition to remote learning started. Keep up the great work and remember to check your email and Google classrooms for updates and information! Reach out to Ms. Kelly if you have any questions at (269)415-5712 or through email at Kelly.Touchtone@ppps.org
about 4 years ago, Sunny
Remote Learning
Join us for our Parent Chat session this Thursday, November 19, at 7 PM, when we talk about and share strategies & resources for reducing the stress of holidays that will look different than ever this year for all families. The session will be led by PPPS staff members and provide information and a chance for conversation between parents and families of Paw Paw Public Schools. It is drop-in, friendly, and a way for parents to support one another through the trials and tribulations of the 2020-21 school year. To join the conversation and to get the Zoom link for the program, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/mPhco5MFV2YUZTFF9
about 4 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Holiday Stress