Paw Paw Early Elementary

                                                                            Return to Learning Overview

School Day Hours for Students: 9:00am-2:45pm

Half Day Hours for Students: 9:00am-12:25pm

Start of Day Procedures:

  • Our day starts at home with families checking childrens’ temperatures free of any fever reducer or cold medicine. Students with a fever of 100.4 or greater are expected to stay home.

  • Masks required on buses, hallways, and specific circumstances in classrooms. 

  • Designated entrances for each grade level for students being dropped off.

    • Front doors for drop off students

    • Side doors by gym for bus riding students

  • Doors open at 8:55am for students being dropped off. Families cannot drop off children before 8:55am.

    • BASE will be open for families that need to drop off before 8:55am.

  • Students riding the bus will exit buses one at a time to enter the building.

Classroom Arrangement:

  • Class sizes have been set at 20 students per room.

  • Classroom seating reflects social distancing.

  • Student belongings must be kept in their cubby area or assigned area in the classroom.

  • School supplies cannot be shared between students. Please refer to PPEE supply list for required/suggested materials. 

  • Students should bring a filled water bottle each day. Fountains and filling at stations at school are currently disabled. 

  • Staff wear face masks at all times.

  • There will be a more frequent cleaning schedule to sanitize the sink area and restrooms in classrooms throughout the day.

  • Counters and desktops in classrooms will receive a deep cleaning each afternoon after students are dismissed.

Daily Schedule:

  • Students are assigned to a specific classroom for their school day. 

    • We have 4 overflow rooms to space out students for social distancing. The packs will consist of teachers and a paraprofessional that will rotate from room to room to deliver instructional content and support. Adults rotate, not students.

  • Breakfast and lunch will be delivered and served in the classroom.

  • Students will receive a 25 minute special in the classroom on a daily basis. (Health/Physical Education, Social Emotional Learning, Music Appreciation, Art and Computers)

  • Title I, Special Education, and support services will be provided to students based on need.

  • There will be a recess schedule created to allow breaks, as available, throughout the week with cleaning of equipment.

  • The gym and library will not be used at this time. 

End of Day Procedures:

  • Dismissal will be coordinated through announcements with the coordination of teachers and support staff.