The next Parent Chat dates and topics have been announced, and we hope any and all interested parents will join us for our upcoming program, titled Preparing Students for Civic Life: Tough Conversations During Divided Times.
This program will feature information about how Paw Paw Public Schools teaches students the educational lessons of Social Studies classes, topics like civics, history, and current events, at a time when discourse can be so divided. Our goal is to provide information and to talk with parents and families about how we maintain professionalism in the classroom even as we pursue our obligation to provide education that prepares students for full participation in civic life.
To join the program, please let us know you're interested by clicking on this link (Registration for the February 11 Parent Chat), and we'll send you a Zoom invitation. The program will take place Thursday, February 11, at 7 PM.
And put Thursday, February 25 on your calendar as well, as the focus for that Parent Chat session will be Getting Help When Students Struggle in the Classroom.