Early Childhood Education Center Rendering

For Immediate Release:

Contact: Rick Reo, Superintendent

(269) 415-5200


 Paw Paw Public Schools Approves Bond Proposal for August 2021 Ballot

 Paw Paw, MI – (June 1, 2021) The Paw Paw Public Schools (PPPS) Board of Education is placing a $53.64 million bond proposal on the August election ballot to fund district-wide facility upgrades.

If approved by voters, the bond proposal would increase the district’s existing debt millage rate by 1.0 mill. For a home with a $50,000 taxable value ($100,000+ market value), the homeowner would realize an approximate $4.17/month property tax increase.

"This bond issue would allow us to make updates to spaces across the district so we can create modern learning environments and increase space efficiencies for PPPS students," said Superintendent Rick Reo.

In addition to district-wide improvements to every facility, the purpose of the bond issue is to add a multipurpose space to the high school, build a new stadium at the high school, and build a new early childhood center.

Additional bond improvements proposed include:

  • STEM Lab/Makerspace renovation.
  • Replace outdated furniture with modern, flexible furniture.
  • Replace aging mechanical equipment.
  • Cafeteria addition at high school for increased capacity.
  • Building envelope updates to increase energy efficiencies.
  • Traffic flow redesign at high school.


The projects were developed after an in-depth facilities assessment, and multiple staff and community work sessions were completed to gauge project priorities.  PPPS is working with architecture, interior design, and engineering firm TowerPinkster and construction management partner Owen-Ames-Kimball Co.

“I invite all Paw Paw community members to visit ppps-bond.com to learn more about this proposal,” said Reo. “I also welcome anyone with questions to contact me directly at rick.reo@ppps.org or 269-415-5200.

If voters approve the bond proposal on August 3, work on the project would begin immediately. Projects most likely included in the first series of bonds will be the construction of an early childhood center, a cafeteria expansion at the high school, and other major construction at the middle school. It is estimated that all projects would be substantially completed by 2027.

Additional information can be found at www.ppps-bond.com.

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