On December 6, 2021 @ 7 p.m. the Parent Chat program will return, an open online meeting for parents and others interested in Paw Paw Public Schools programs and services.
The focus of this meeting will be Social Emotional Learning (SEL): what it is and how PPPS uses SEL strategies and resources to support students across the District. The meeting will be held on the Zoom platform, and parents can join through this link: https://bit.ly/3FKzD9p.
Prizes (gift cards) will be raffled as part of the program, and everyone who attends will be entered into a drawing to win one.
Please contact Curriculum Director Corey Harbaugh for more information at corey.harbaugh@ppps.org or (269) 415-5211.
Van Buren Tech will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, November 23.
All morning tech center students should report to their PPHS classes. Third hour begins at 9:20 AM.
Monday- regular hours
Tuesday- Half Day. School dismisses at 11:15am.
On Tuesday, AM TECH buses will run and AM TECH students are expected to attend TECH unless they make specific arrangements with Mrs Southworth or Mrs Derhammer to stay at PPHS.
You have until 5 pm today to participate in the Community Input Survey for Paw Paw Public Schools! Whether you have kids in school or not, we would love to hear from you. #YourInputMatters
If you're looking for a rewarding and flexible career, then be sure to attend tomorrow's Bus Driver Recruitment Event! Hosted by PPPS and Hoekstra Transportation, we put you in the driver's seat. Enjoy refreshments, test drive a bus, register for a 55" TV and more! #WeNeedDrivers
What nice recognition and academic accolades for 2018 PPHS grad, alumnus Michael VanHoeven. Michael is a football lineman for EMU , where he recently graduated with a degree in Communication.
Way to go, Mike!
Your Board of Education wants you to know about the great things that they see happening in and around Paw Paw Public Schools! #PawPawPride
If you haven't already done so, please complete the Community Input Survey for Paw Paw Public Schools before November 19th. Thank you! #YourInputMatters
Don't forget to vote tomorrow! #YourVoteMatters
While we want students to have fun and participate in youthful activities while they’re still kids, we need to ensure our school remains a safe space for all students. With Halloween coming soon, many students want to wear costumes to school tomorrow. This is allowed, but those costumes need to be school appropriate.
The following message was sent to students this afternoon:
If you chose to wear something to celebrate Halloween tomorrow, please be sure that you adhere to the following guidelines:
1- you MUST meet the school dress code
2- absolutely no weapons (even fake)
3- no blood (even fake) or gore
4- no full face coverings, not even full face paint please.
5- no props that cause a disruption or potential hazard
Thank you for your support.
Reminder that students do not have school on Monday, October 25.
Also, Tuesday, October 26 will be picture retake day .
Election Day is right around the corner, and Paw Paw Public Schools Non-Homestead Operating Millage Renewal is on the ballot. Voters will be asked to consider a ballot proposal that would renew Paw Paw Public Schools Current Operating Millage rate of 18 mills for a period of 10 years. There is no cost on primary residences. This millage applies only to non-homestead properties such as rental homes, commercial property, businesses, and vacation homes.
It will impose no new taxes. Holding this millage rate steady for the next 10 years will ensure that all students have access to opportunities that will prepare them for college, trade schools, the workforce and beyond!
For questions regarding the November 2, 2021 Non-Homestead Operating Millage Renewal, please call the District Administration Office at 269-415-5200 or visit www.ppps.org
"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." General Colin Powell. As students at Paw Paw High School and all schools begin their day, may their preparation and hard work lead to an equally bright future! By Presidential Proclamation, the flag of the United States of America shall be flown at half-staff until sunset on October 22, 2021 to honor the life of General Powell. #Patriot #lifeofservice
It looks like the weather is going to cooperate, and tonight’s Homecoming Bonfire is on as scheduled. Open to all PPHS students, the bonfire will be from 8:00-10:00pm near the north parking lot in front of the high school.
The IRS is reaching out to America's school districts to help spread the word about the 2021 Advance Child Tax Credit payments, which could be up to $1800 per qualifying child. These payments are made automatically to taxpayers who qualified on their 2020 tax return.
Current outreach efforts are focused on low-income families who may not be required to file tax returns. In order to receive this credit, non-filing families will need to act by using the online IRS Non-filer sign up tool no later than October 15, 2021. For more information, visit www.IRS.gov/childtaxcredit2021
PPHS Parent Teacher Conferences are next week.
Monday, October 11 by appointment only.
Thursday, October 14 will be drop-in conferences, 4:00-7:15pm
To schedule an appointment, email your child’s teachers, or look for communication from them.
Happy Birthday to PPPS "SUPER" intendent Rick Reo!
Reminder that Wednesday, September 29 is a NO SCHOOL day for our students.
In addition, due to training sessions for all staff, the office will be closed until noon.
Parents mark your calendars: ALL High school students who are exploring post-secondary options are invited to attend College Night on Monday, October 18 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at Kalamazoo Valley Community College. At 7:00pm there will also be a Financial Aid Workshop.
Representatives from nearly 80 different public and private colleges and universities, as well as a number of community colleges and other training institutions will be in attendance.
Paw Paw High School students and staff are so grateful to Lowe's Home Improvement of Kalamazoo for their generous donation of touchless hand dispensers, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and sanitizer wands to Paw Paw High School!