Paw Paw Public Schools Board of Education
At the end of each regular Board of Education Meeting, the board members each take a moment to share some of the great things they see in the district while serving on the Board. Here are this month's points of Pride & Progress.
“First, thank you to the Board for approving the Clay Target Team. I think that it is going to be a huge, positive addition for the high school and the district. Also, the parent-teacher conferences at the high school were outstanding! In other news, the PPHS Varsity Girls Basketball Team, which is fourteen and two, had five players who scored in double digits in a single game. This does not happen often. They are really playing well together, and it is a total team effort. Lastly, as the Varsity Cheer Team makes their State Title run, they need the support of the entire community to help them get there. Please attend and encourage others to come out and support them in the stands at the district, regional and state level.” Brent McNitt
“At the Central Office, I would like to give shout-outs to Kara and Rick for getting a nice jump on the budget and shrinking the deficit this year, both big accomplishments. Hopefully, that will continue going forward. Also, there are some great things happening with grant work, which have not yet been received, but hopefully soon we can talk about that. There is a great deal happening behind the scenes to help the district as we go forward.” Dale Pease
“At Paw Paw Middle School, Independence Pro Wrestling made an appearance to support the PPMS Wrestling Team. Way to go PPMS Wrestling Coach Josh Raymond for his backflip off the top rope to finish his opponent! In other news, all grade levels are showing growth in the English Language Arts (ELA) area of the Star Growth Report. Thank you to the entire PPMS staff for their efforts in helping to improve those results. Lastly, the seven-week friendship group was successful in teaching students about friendship, communication, positivity, and other traits that make someone a good friend. These traits are important at any level, but especially during the middle school years.” Ray Martin
“I would like to start by giving a shout-out to the custodial staff at the high school. From basketball on Friday night to Cheer on Saturday, the staff had everything set and ready to go. Additionally, shout-out to Amy Gronda and the band for taking time and showing kindness to my son. Also, shout-out to the early elementary staff for sending texts on snow days encouraging students to play outside or challenging them to read in novel places. At a recent Cheer meet, it was great to see Coach Stefanie Miller, the Cheer Team and varsity parents stand up and cheer for the middle school students. At the later elementary, I have heard wonderful things about Mr. Caleb Shaefer. In his role, he is working with kids to show kindness and empathy. Lastly, the high school play “The Lightning Thief” was a huge hit! The performing arts director and students are focused on bringing home more WAVE performing arts awards this year, which is phenomenal!” Lindsay Clark
“Through a new, innovative partnership called “Little Connections” at Paw Paw Early Elementary, second-grade students and high school students established pen pal relationships. After writing back and forth for six weeks, the high school students visited the EE to meet the younger students in person, which was wonderful! Also at the EE, grade-level teachers participated in “Data Days,” where groups were formed to review winter benchmarking data that revealed areas of deficit and areas for growth. This sparked some great conversation! Tom Baney