Nickname Suggestion Survey Graphic

The process for selecting a new nickname for Paw Paw Public Schools kicked off on April 2, 2020, and the 27-student Task Force helping to lead the process has invited anyone (students, alumni, staff, community members, etc.) with a suggestion, idea, or thought for the next nickname to submit it using this online survey: Paw Paw Nickname Suggestion Survey. So far, 520 individuals have submitted a suggestion for the next nickname.

The survey will be open for suggestions from today until April 24 @ Noon, at which time the submission process will be closed. All serious and respectful nickname submissions will then be put on a ballot, and anyone interested in voting to identify the Top 10 choices will be invited to participate in the voting. 

If it’s helpful, this link is to a document that has the nicknames, mascots, and school colors for all schools in the State of Michigan, as of 2017. This link is to information about unusual school nicknames in Michigan, and the nicknames used by the most schools (i.e. there are 44 schools with the nickname/mascot of Eagles). Please keep in mind that Paw Paw WILL NOT be changing school colors as part of the process to adopt a new nickname.

Paw Paw Public Schools created a Guidelines & Timeline Document, available by clicking on the link, that establishes stages in the process for replacing the Paw Paw Public Schools nickname. Given the extension of "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" requirements from the State of Michigan, events that were designed for public participation will become online or virtual sessions. Details on how to participate will be forthcoming, so please watch and other District social media resources.