Please remember that we want to remind our families that there is no school tomorrow for Friday, January 22nd.
We will be back on Monday for the first day of the 2nd semester. We plan on having report cards mailed out by mid-week so that families have them by the weekend for 2nd marking period grades.
Every morning, we do live video announcements to share information and reminders with the students about school events, safety, and positive messages. This week we spoke to our students about the importance of coming to school dressed appropriately for the weather. We have worked hard on providing a safe schedule for our school day, but to be successful, it requires the use of all of our support staff. This means that all students are expected to go outside for recess with their class unless there is a physician's note stating otherwise. We are not asking students to trudge out into the snow, but at least to get out of the classroom for some fresh air during their short recess time. Please help support us with this request by checking to make sure that your kids are dressed properly for cold weather. While outside, help us remind our kids to respect and admire the snowmen that get built on the playground. They're people too (assuming that the kids stumble across a magic old top hat to place on the snowman's head...)
We would like to ask the parents of our bus riders for their continued patience. We know that there have been a lot of cancellations and shortages with drivers. Please know that this not unique to Paw Paw and our transportation is doing its best to minimize our route cancellations whenever we can. With that being said, please help us remind our kids at home about the importance of acting responsibly on the bus to and from school. We have reduced numbers on the bus and students are distanced by family from other students, but we need to make sure that everyone acts in a way that protects the health and safety of everyone on our buses.
Finally, please continue to check your child's temperature each morning and remain diligent in watching for symptoms in your child. We would rather err on the side of caution versus the unnecessary spread of illness. Remember that students cannot attend school if they have a temperature of 100.5 or higher, or if they are vomiting, or if they are exhibiting symptoms included in our COVID screening form. Fever, vomiting, or symptoms must be clear for 24 hours before returning to school. When in doubt, contact our office for guidance at (269) 415-5400.
Thanks for your continued help and support. Have a great weekend!