August 20, 2020
Please join your child’s Pack Leaders for a Google Meet on Tuesday, August 25th.
Sessions begin at 6:00, 6:30, and 7:00pm. These virtual presentations will introduce the c...
August 10, 2020
Sir George is back, the popular character created by Paw Paw Social & Emotional Learning Teacher Ben Bowater, and this time he is helping students get ready for returning to schoo...
August 10, 2020
Last year Paw Paw elementary students got to know Sir George , a character created by Paw Paw Social & Emotional Learning teacher Ben Bowater, who taught lessons to students abou...
July 29, 2020
Paw Paw Public Schools will be offering a stand-alone online educational opportunity for K-12 students this fall, called the Home eLearning Platform, a self-contained educational ...
June 22, 2020
Paw Paw Public Schools is pleased to share that the proposal for a new school district nickname will be the Paw Paw Red Wolves, and it will take effect in mid-July, pending board ...
June 8, 2020
The final ratings process of the Top 3 Nicknames is now underway, and community members, which includes students in grades K-4, plus staff, alumni, parents, etc., can vote at thi...
June 3, 2020
The Paw Paw District Library has planned a new virtual summer reading program. We'd like to encourage as many kids as possible to participate.
May 31, 2020
Early Elementary End of year slides
Grade 3 Week of June 1st
Grade 4 Week of June 1st
Grade 5 Week of June 1st
Later Elementary End of y...
May 26, 2020
Good afternoon 5th grade families. First, Mr. McDaniel sent out a survey via email to 5th grade student accounts for class interest for 6th grade schedules. Make sure your chi...
May 24, 2020
The Facts Regarding the PPPS Nickname Adoption Process
Paw Paw Schools announced its top three considerations for nicknames on Friday, May 22, inviting the public to s...
May 24, 2020
It's a short week with a fun project based on the TV show "Shark Tank." Have fun and give your best effort!
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
May 17, 2020
At-Home Learning Resources for the week of May 18th. Make sure you are taking your time and giving us your best effort. We miss you guys! Kindergarten
Grade 1
May 12, 2020
In accordance with recommended best practices in education, we have made the decision to discontinue that practice moving forward into the 2020-21 school year. Our placement proc...
May 9, 2020
At-Home Learning resources for the week of May 11th
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
May 6, 2020
Our Book Fair is now open through May 17th! Spread the word to family and friends about the great deals through Scholastic. Book Fair Link
May 6, 2020
Did your child leave anything behind at school? Our staff worked on bagging up all student belongings for a curbside pickup the week of May 11th. If your child attends the early e...
May 3, 2020
Remember that this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Take time to say thank you to your child's teacher for their continuous dedication to our children through this school year...
April 26, 2020
How did your kids do with the first week of our Continuity of Learning plan? We want to remind our families that this work does not replace classroom instruction and we do not ex...
April 24, 2020
Grab a snack and join your library friends for a time of sharing and fun. Please visit the Paw Paw District Library Website or their Facebook Page
April 24, 2020
The window to submit nickname suggestions has closed, and now the process to replace the Paw Paw Public Schools nickname shifts into its next phase. On April 28 the Student Task ...