For Immediate Release:
Contact: Rick Reo, Superintendent
Paw Paw, MI – On Thursday, March 23, 2023, Gabe Salazar, a nationally recognized teen expert and motivational speaker, will deliver his message about teens making positive choices to three separate audiences in Paw Paw. The first presentation will be to Paw Paw High School students at 9:30 a.m., the second presentation will be to Paw Paw Middle School students at 1 p.m., and at 6 p.m. there will be a final presentation for parents and members of the community at the Paw Paw Performing Arts Center at Paw Paw High School.
“With all of the tough decisions teens face on a daily basis, Mr. Salazar’s message of hope and making smart choices will not only resonate with students, but we also saw this as an opportunity to invite parents and members of our community to join us for a special presentation at no cost,” said Superintendent Rick Reo. “It is only because of a generous grant from the Hispanic Leadership Institute that we are able to bring in such a high-caliber speaker like Gabe Salazar at a minimal cost to the schools, and for that we are extremely grateful.”
According to his website, Gabe Salazar overcame obstacles of homelessness, hopelessness, and gang influence to become the first in his family to go to college. Now, he travels the world making teens laugh, and inspiring them with his message of hope and making smart choices. Gabe reminds teenagers that no one is born on accident. Everyone has a purpose, and he wants to help them figure out how to dream BIG.
About Gabe: Gabe Salazar is a Professional Youth Speaker who travels the world giving teens a message of hope. Gabe was born to a teen mom and was abandoned by his biological father. He says for a time he felt his birth was merely an accident, but when he discovered his purpose as a teen motivational speaker, he realized his life was “no accident.” His focus is giving teens a reason to dream.