Home eLearning Platform Info

Paw Paw Public Schools will be offering a stand-alone online educational opportunity for K-12 students this fall, called the Home eLearning Platform, a self-contained educational platform that has curriculum aligned to Paw Paw Public Schools by Paw Paw teachers.

The option is meant to meet the needs of students and families who wish to consider participating in a fully at-home, online educational platform. 

Additional information about the Home eLearning Platform will be released in the weeks to come, along with information and details about the other Phase 4 learning options for families for the 2020-21 school year.

There will be two informational sessions for parents who want more information on Tuesday, August 4, at 1 PM and 7 PM. To register for one or both of these sessions, please go this website and fill out the registration information. 


A link to connect to the online meeting will be sent to your email address at 11 am on Tuesday, August 4.