Paw Paw District Library Update

From the Paw Paw District Library

As the new school year begins, the Paw Paw District Library wants students and parents to know how the library’s new rules for the pandemic may affect their visit.  The library is open M-Th 11-6, F 11-4, S 11-3, and limited to 30 patrons in the building at a time.  Masks and social distancing are required.  Computers are available by appointment.  An adult caregiver must accompany children under 14 years of age.  We understand that this last rule will be a change for students who like to visit the library after school. Please know that the new rules are temporary and were adopted to maximize the safety of all our patrons during the pandemic.   We look forward to the time when we can resume normal activities and services.


Gretchen Evans


Paw Paw District Library

609 W Michigan Ave

Paw Paw, MI 49079
