Due to today's Snow Day, Parent-Teacher Conferences for Paw Paw Middle School originally scheduled for today, 1/25, are being rescheduled to Tuesday, February 1st.
If you have already scheduled with a teacher, the teacher will update your conference appointment to the same time on Tuesday, 2/1. You will receive an email with the updated time (and link if you are scheduled to attend virtually) from each teacher. If you do not receive an email by the end of the week or need to cancel or reschedule, please reach out to the individual teacher.
Conferences scheduled for Wednesday, 1/26, will remain as scheduled. If you have not yet had the opportunity to schedule a conference, please visit our scheduling links here! If you are looking to schedule a conference for Tuesday, 2/1, please be patient for those sign-ups to be moved from today to Tuesday prior to signing up as teachers update throughout the day and tomorrow.
We look forward to seeing you soon and thank you for your flexibility and patience!