Election Day is right around the corner, and Paw Paw Public Schools Non-Homestead Operating Millage Renewal is on the ballot. Voters will be asked to consider a ballot proposal that would renew Paw Paw Public Schools Current Operating Millage rate of 18 mills for a period of 10 years. There is no cost on primary residences. This millage applies only to non-homestead properties such as rental homes, commercial property, businesses, and vacation homes. It will impose no new taxes. Holding this millage rate steady for the next 10 years will ensure that all students have access to opportunities that will prepare them for college, trade schools, the workforce and beyond! For questions regarding the November 2, 2021 Non-Homestead Operating Millage Renewal, please call the District Administration Office at 269-415-5200 or visit www.ppps.org
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." General Colin Powell. As students at Paw Paw High School and all schools begin their day, may their preparation and hard work lead to an equally bright future! By Presidential Proclamation, the flag of the United States of America shall be flown at half-staff until sunset on October 22, 2021 to honor the life of General Powell. #Patriot #lifeofservice
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
All 8th Grade students in Mrs. VanderMolen's 1st Hour ELA passed their Unit 1 Assessment and celebrated with a parade! Way to go!
over 3 years ago, PPMS
Students in the office with signs and noise makers
The IRS is reaching out to America's school districts to help spread the word about the 2021 Advance Child Tax Credit payments, which could be up to $1800 per qualifying child. These payments are made automatically to taxpayers who qualified on their 2020 tax return. Current outreach efforts are focused on low-income families who may not be required to file tax returns. In order to receive this credit, non-filing families will need to act by using the online IRS Non-filer sign up tool no later than October 15, 2021. For more information, visit www.IRS.gov/childtaxcredit2021
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
Happy Birthday to PPPS "SUPER" intendent Rick Reo!
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
Paw Paw High School students and staff are so grateful to Lowe's Home Improvement of Kalamazoo for their generous donation of touchless hand dispensers, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and sanitizer wands to Paw Paw High School! #inthistogether #loweshomeimprovement
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
MS students in the Innovative Technology and Design class had fun with their cardboard creations.
over 3 years ago, PPMS
6th Grade IDT Class
6th Grade IDT Class
6th Grade IDT Class
6th Grade IDT Class
Dear Paw Paw Families, As you have likely heard by now, many school districts are experiencing a shortage of bus drivers. While we are not alone in facing this challenge, it makes it no less difficult to share the following news. Beginning Monday, September 13th, we regret to inform you that due to the current shortage of bus drivers, we will not be in a position to guarantee bus transportation for your student-athlete to and from out-of-town athletic events. Your patience and understanding are deeply appreciated as we navigate this unfortunate situation. Please know that every effort is being made district-wide to fill these positions and resume regular transportation. In times like these, we are asking coaches and families to work together to arrange transportation to and from events through carpools and ride sharing. While the school will be able to transport athletes to some events depending upon the availability of drivers and vehicles, school transportation will not be able to be provided for several away events. Families should be prepared to make transportation arrangements for individual contests based on communications from the athletic department or coaches. Let’s show our students, by example, how we face and overcome adversity. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and will keep you informed as we resolve this situation. Stephanie Walker Director of Operations & Finance
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Walker
On behalf of Paw Paw Public Schools, thank you to all of our local heroes who serve and and protect us every day! #PawPawProud
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
Currently all the Middle School students are submitting names for our new friends in the courtyard.
over 3 years ago, PPMS
Silver Rabbit
Red Rabbit
White Rabbit
Today PPPS educators met to review programs that provide additional support for students. It's our mission to develop, support, challenge and inspire every child for life-long success.
over 3 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
At-Risk Committee
To access current school bus information like what time your child's bus is expected to be at their stop, download the Versatrans My Stop App on Android or iPhone! Once downloaded, enter your child's secure Student ID as the username and their 8 digit birthdate as the password.
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
bus info.
Good Afternoon Paw Paw Families, This is Stephanie Walker, the Paw Paw Public Schools Director of Business Operations. I hope everyone had a great first week of school! Due to some of the buses running behind in the morning from construction in the area, we will be moving up a few bus routes by 10 minutes on Tuesday, September 7th. The Butterfly, Frog, Monkey, Bunny and Eagle will be moved up by 10 minutes in the morning ONLY. For example, if your current pick up time is 8:00 am it will be adjusted to 7:50 am. Thank you for being patient as this will allow us to get all the kids to school in a timely manner.
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Walker
Congrats to the Boys MS X-Country Team for kicking up the dust and busting the rust, taking 1st place in the Rustbuster Invitational today.
over 3 years ago, Corey Harbaugh
Boys MS X-Country Champs
Please remember that today is a regular school day with dismissal at 2:30 PM for the Middle School Students. Early release Wednesdays begin next week on September 8th. Beginning next week, students will be dismissed at 1:30pm instead of 2:30pm every Wednesday.
over 3 years ago, PPMS
Owl with reminder string around his finger with thought bubble "just a reminder"
If you're ready to grow your career and make a difference that lasts a lifetime, then it's time to take a closer look at Paw Paw Public Schools! https://www.ppps.org/page/openings #EmbraceTheFuture
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
Happy Election Day! Exercise your constitutional right to vote today by visiting your local precinct. To learn more about Paw Paw Public Schools' Bond Proposal, visit www.ppps-bond.com. #EmbracingTheFuture
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
Tomorrow is election day! Exercise your constitutional right to vote by visiting your local precinct. For more information about Paw Paw Public Schools' Bond Proposal, visit www.ppps-bond.com
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools
With school approaching please check out our employment opportunities and become a part of the Red Wolves Pack. All our listings are provided on our website:(https://www.ppps.org/page/openings)
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Walker
With election day less than a week away, there's still time to learn more about the PPPS Bond Proposal! Superintendent Rick Reo is holding a coffee chat now until 8:30 am or come out tomorrow from 8 to 9:30 am. Visit www.ppps-bond.com to learn more. #EmbraceTheFuture
over 3 years ago, Paw Paw Public Schools