Did you know? Visit www.ppps-bond.com for more information.
No need to wait until August 3rd to vote! Visit your local clerk or go to www.michigan.gov/vote to request your absentee ballot.
Good Afternoon,
Tomorrow, Friday, May 21st we are unable to transport the children on the Monkey bus to and from school. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Want to learn more about the Paw Paw Public Schools bond proposal on the August 3 ballot? Check out www.ppps-bond.com
Looking for the best start for your 4-year-old? The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP), an award-winning preschool located at Paw Paw's Cedar Street Campus, is hosting a "Drive-Thru Preschool Round-up" this Thursday from 5 to 7 pm! Call (269) 539-5214 for more info.
When it comes to traditions like Senior Prom, thanks to the PPHS junior class and many others who helped plan a safe and memorable "Night Under the Stars," the Senior Class of 2021 was able to have theirs this year! If you helped make this dream come true in any way, THANK YOU!
The 7th grade students enjoyed the afternoon having games and activities as a reward day.
Superintendent Rick Reo, with help from PPPS administrative staff, accepted the "Excellence in Innovation" award from @unitedwayswmich for the wonderful work done by Paw Paw Public Schools during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Well-deserved!!!
Reminder that at 7 PM this evening we'll have our final Parent Chat of the school year, focused on getting ready for summer, with information on supports, programs, and summer learning opportunities. Join us via Zoom, at:
For those who can't make it, remember the program will be recorded and available tomorrow on the ppps.org website.
The staff at Paw Paw Middle had a great badminton tournament after school.
At last night's Board of Education Meeting, Paw Paw Later Elementary Principal Jeremy Davison was recognized for "Excellence In Education Leadership!" Sen. Aric Nesbitt and State Rep. Beth Griffin presented the tributes also signed by U.S. Rep. Fred Upton and Gov. Whitmer. 👍
Due to a shortage in drivers today, Tuesday, May 11th we are unable to transport the children on the Bunny bus to and from school. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Good afternoon, PPMS Families. This afternoon just before dismissal there was a low-hanging wire in the back parking lot that ended up on the roof of a bus prior to middle school students boarding the bus. All students and the driver were evacuated safely and safety personnel are on the scene to make sure everything is safe for our visitors. Thank you to all who helped out in this situation!
Catch up with the latest student stories, sports scores, and news updates. It's everything PPPS, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the newly updated app on Android: http://bit.ly/2vNGb8D or iphone: https://apple.co/37mSfLm.
Happy School Lunch Hero Day! Don't forget to thank the frontline food service workers who rise early to prepare and serve healthy meals. PPPS students created artwork and administrators delivered "Superhero" cookies to salute and celebrate their dedication!
Students in 6th grade celebrate our food service workers with special art projects in the cafeteria!
Thursday, May 13 @ 7PM, we'll hold our final Parent Chat this school year: "Summer's Comin', Have Me A Blast".
We'll help families prepare for a fabulous summer with a presentation on mental, social & emotional health, how to keep minds bright, and information about summer programs, from our K-5 reading program to amazing, innovative summer learning opportunities across the school district.
Always one to shed the spotlight, this time it's inescapable! After 29 years with Paw Paw Public Schools, Band Teacher Amy Gronda has been awarded this year's Teacher of the Year for Mich. School Band & Orchestra Assn. District 6! 👏👏👏
#inspired #teacherappreciationweek
Congratulations to our 7th grade students on finishing their 1st day of MSTEP testing. Mrs. Wiltgen said, "I'm proud of their persistence and ability to focus" during today's ELA test. We are so proud of you!
The PTO surprised the teachers this morning with delicious bagels. A big thank you goes out to all teachers during teacher appreciation week!
Greek Mythology artwork lines the halls at Paw Paw Middle School! Students in Mr. George's 7th grade social studies class are learning all about the ancient Greeks . Posters shown are individual panels combined to form a collaborative work. Bridget McCafferty assists Mr. George.