The Daily Update for today (4/30) has been posted to Please look for details about the process for voting for the next Paw Paw Public Schools nickname, which begins at Noon tomorrow, Friday, May 1, and goes for the next week.
The Daily Update for today (4/28) has been posted to The update reminds anyone interested in participating in the online Community Forum about the PPPS Nickname tonight to register first, and a registration link is provided, along with information about the event.
The Daily Update for today (4/27) has been posted to Please be sure to see a special message for all 8th graders, updates to Learning Plans for the week of 4/27, and information on the Community Forum tomorrow (4/28 @ 6:30 pm) on the process to change the PPPS nickname.
The Daily Update for today (Friday, 4/24) has been published to It has information on an opportunity for parents to buy technology at a reduced price, and also important updates on the process to select the next Paw Paw Public Schools nickname.
The Daily Update for today (4/23) has been published to It has information on an opportunity for parents to buy technology at a reduced price, and also important updates on the process to select the next Paw Paw Public Schools nickname.
Student leadership in the process to change the PPPS nickname is highlighted in this 4/23 article from The Courier-Leader:
The Daily Update for today (4/23) has been posted to Look for info from school counselors, tech support for students/families, and an update on the process to replace the Paw Paw PS nickname. The window for making nickname suggestions closes tomorrow (Fri. 4/24) @ Noon.
8th Grade Parents: It is time for the class of 2024 to register for their high school classes for next year. Below is a document to assist in that process. Registration will be open till April 28th.
The Daily Update for today (4/22) is up on An important update today is the reminder to all HS-aged students who want to attend Tech Center next year: you must apply, and they are due this Friday! Also, families who need food support: look at those links in the update.
The Daily Update for today (April 21) has been posted to It has information about flash drive exchanges for at-home learning over the next weeks. Please also check school sections on our website (under the SITES tab) for more information/links to learning resources.
The Daily Update has been posted for today (Monday, April 20) to Please look for details regarding device and flash drive pickup, links to new community resources, and a link to the PPPS Continuity of Learning Plan which has been approved by VBISD and sumbitted to MDE.
Learning materials (flash drives/devices) available for pickup today any for student who needs them. Parents must be present. Grades 5 and below pick up @ Later Elementary today from 11-1 and 5-7 PM. Grades 6 and above pick up from 11-1 @ PPHS in the food distribution line.
Remember that student learning devices (Chromebooks) are available for pickup today. Students grades 5 and below pick up at the Later Elementary today from 11-1 and 5-7 PM. Students grades 6 and above pick up from 11-1 at Paw Paw High School in the food distribution line.
The Daily Update has been posted to for today, Thursday, April 16. Please see several new items about the plan for learning to start next week, plus information about picking up devices and/or in-home learning resources (flash drives) for students starting next Monday.
Today's Daily Update has been posted to We are putting final details in place for our new learning plan and will release important information/details in the next 24 hours. Parents, please help your kids prepare for school/learning activities to begin again on Monday.
The Daily Update has been posted to for today (Tuesday, April 14). Please take a moment to read the update about retrieving items from lockers, and the new PPHS feature, The Senior Spotlight, celebrating members of our senior class.
The Daily Update has been posted to for today, April 13. Please look for information about phone calls home to all students this week, and information about the Continuity of Learning Plan that will be communicated out this week, with instruction to begin next week.
The Daily Update has been posted to for Friday (4/10). Once again we want to make sure folks who are participating in our meal distribution program see that we are moving the program to Paw Paw High School, starting Monday. Please help us spread the word.
The Daily Update has been posted for today (Thursday, 4/9) to Please see important item about meal distribution, starting next week. Today meals are being distributed at Paw Paw Middle School, but next week distribution will permanently relocate to Paw Paw High School.
The Daily Update has been added to for today (Wednesday, 4/8/2020). Please see three new items: plan to contact each student week of 4/13; services for homeless students/families; PPPS working on Continuity of Learning Plan required by Michigan Department of Ed.