The PPPS Summer Meals Program "Meet Up and Eat Up" begins next week! Thanks to our dedicated food service team, nutritious meals are free for children 18 and under throughout the summer. Adults may purchase meals for $3 each. Breakfast will be served at Paw Paw Later Elementary and Paw Paw Middle School between 8:30 and 9 a.m. , and lunch will be served between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., M-F. #summerfeedingprogram #endchildhunger #MeatUpEatUp #buildtogetherpawpaw
PPMS student Brynn Cummings is going to be appearing on next week's episode of America's Got Talent (June 13th). There will be a Watch Party at Red Arrow Ministries if any of you would like to come. The show is from 8:00-10:00pm. We do not know when she will be appear in the episode though. Please come help support Brynn!
Reminder: The PPPS Community Outreach Survey closes tomorrow. If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to complete the survey. Your input matters! #buildtogetherpawpaw
In today's Awards and Recognition Ceremony at Paw Paw Middle School, every student in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades will receive an award or be recognized for something they have done well throughout the school year. Embracing our Core Value of Success, we congratulate our students and celebrate our amazing teachers and staff who go above and beyond every day to provide opportunities to reach high levels of achievement for every child! #success #buildtogetherpawpaw
If your PPPS student will need school bus transportation for the 2023-24 school year, please read the following important message. Thank you!
Due to the popularity of the PPPS Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program, families are encouraged to enroll children as soon as possible for this fall! At this time, the 4-year-old classroom is full, but there's still time to add your child's name to a waiting list. Several spots are still open for the 3-year-old class, and when that class is full, another waiting list will be started. Currently, space is available in the 2 1/2 - to 3-year-old class and the preschool-readiness room, but these are also filling quickly. For more information, please contact the ECE Director:
Today, students from Paw Paw Later Elementary got outside and enjoyed a much-anticipated end-of-school-year tradition. It was Track & Field Day at Falan Field! Grateful for all the teachers, staff, volunteers, spectators, and middle school student volunteers who helped make this day possible. #trackandfieldday #run #community #buildtogetherpawpaw
Reminder: Tomorrow is the last PPPS Senior Citizens Luncheon for this school year. You won't want to miss a special summer-themed picnic menu as talented middle school students perform from their latest musical! A special thanks to all who have participated, performed and prepared food for these special monthly gatherings. Have a spectacular summer! #BuildTogetherPawPaw
Reminder: Be sure to join us at 5:30 p.m. today at Paw Paw Later Elementary to preview the 2022 Bond Projects and learn more about the exciting progress that is being made! #buildtogetherpawpaw
Happy National Teacher Appreciation Week! #TeacherAppreciationWeek #BuildTogetherPawPaw
Paw Paw Public Schools joins with other schools across the country to celebrate School Lunch Hero Day! We appreciate and recognize the incredible difference these team members make for every child who comes through their cafeteria. Thank you, PPPS Food Service Team, for all you do! #SchoolLunchHeroDay #BuildTogetherPawPaw
Tomorrow, we celebrate National Administrative Professionals' Day! Be sure to take time to recognize and show appreciation for all of the hard-working administrative professionals at Paw Paw Public Schools. We appreciate all you do to keep things running smoothly every day! #buildtogetherpawpaw
8th Grade Parent Information Session For PPHS Class of 2027 Parents (Current 8th Grade). Thursday April 27th @ 6:30pm in the PAC
Driven by our Strategic Plan, PPPS is committed to continuous improvement through Professional Development Days and Early Release Wednesdays. Thank you to all who participate and support this valuable time investment that allows administration, teachers and staff to collaborate and build a thriving Professional Learning Community! #teamwork #plctraining #buildtogetherpawpaw
If you are interested in learning more or providing input about CharacterStrong!, the K-12 SEL program which will is expected to be recommended to the Board of Education for purchase and implementation for the 2023-24 school year, please come to the forum planned for March 28 at 6:30 in the Paw Paw Later Elementary cafeteria.
Today, Youth Motivational Speaker Gabe Salazar connected with PPHS and PPMS teens by delivering a message of hope about making smart choices. He talked about overcoming obstacles and not being afraid to dream big! Parents and the community are invited to attend his high-energy, interactive presentation at 6 p.m. tonight at the Performing Arts Center. When asked what it means to speak to teens in Paw Paw, Salazar said, "Very humbling that somebody would say that there is something that happened in my life that can help them. A lot of people go through hard stuff, but not everybody overcomes, and that's what people like about hearing my stories. They say, 'Hold on, if he can go through alternative school, abandonment and the tragic loss of his father, then what could happen in my life if I choose to overcome?'
In just two days, nationally acclaimed teen expert and motivational speaker Gabe Salazar will deliver his powerful message about teens making positive choices to middle school and high school students in Paw Paw. As PPPS unites with our community to build success, we are also proud to invite parents and the community to a special FREE presentation in the High School's Performing Arts Center on Thursday, March 23 at 6 p.m.. To encourage parent and community attendance, there will be a drawing to give away prizes and a $200 Walmart Gift Card!
We are now offering tutoring for students on Monday w/ Nacci (SS & ELA), Tuesday w/ Marcelletti (Math & Spanish), and Thursday w/ Breithaupt (Math & Spanish). To sign up students should use the link in the student resources tab of their Chromebook.
PPPS is proud to announce that Gabe Salazar, a nationally recognized teen expert and motivational speaker, will deliver a message of hope about teens making positive choices on Thursday, March 23rd in Paw Paw! In addition to presentations to high school and middle school students, parents and the community are invited to a special presentation at 6 p.m. at the Paw Paw Performing Arts Center. Thanks to a generous grant from the Hispanic Leadership Institute, there will be no admission charge. All are welcome to attend! #positivity #community #buildtogetherpawpaw
United with our community in support of the family of Lt. Ethan Quillen, it was an honor to host his memorial service and see such an outpouring of support at Paw Paw High School on Saturday. #Hero #UltimateSacrifice #buildtogetherpawpaw