PPHS Stage Crew
Advisor: Kristofer Perkins
Become a Part of the Paw Paw Performing Arts Center Stage Crew. Learn what it takes to work behind the scenes and gain experience in the arts. Help build scenery, run lights, design sound, operate follow spots, and have FUN doing it!
If you have questions regarding stage crew, please contact Mr. Perkins at 415-5664 or Kristofer.Perkins@ppps.org
Crew Applications can be downloaded below. A Signed Crew Rules must accompany your application.

Join The Stage Crew
Crew Sign up for the 2024-2025 school year will begin at the High School Open House on Monday, August 19 from 6pm-7:30pm.
The initial crew meeting for the year will be held Thursday, August 29 at 2:45 PM in the PAC. If you are a returning crew member or a new member you must attend the initial crew meeting.
Stage Crew Mission Statement
To expose students to the world of theatre technology and give them hands on experience in all fields (lighting, sound, scenery, etc.)
To provide the Paw Paw Performing Arts Center with production staff for all events.
To provide an opportunity for students to gain community services hours for working events.
To expose students to another field which may interest them as a career.
Students will learn valuable skills in time management, organization, teamwork, and will be part of a very elite organization.
Students who continue with stage crew after one year have the opportunity to gain status as a senior crew member.
Students must work a minimum of 50% of the work calls and 100% of the events they sign up for over the course of their first year to gain seniority.
Stage Crew members may be asked to work outside events for separate organizations and will also have opportunities for theatre experiences outside Paw Paw High School
Stage Crew Policy
Students must fill out and sign a crew application every year to continue to be a member of stage crew. This application must also be signed by a parent or guardian.
Students must be punctual for all events to which they are assigned and must maintain attendance or they will be removed from the crew.
Students are responsible for checking schedules and call times to assure they arrive on time for all events they are assigned to work.
Family business and school take priority over crew work, however students who continually do not show for scheduled work calls or events may be removed from the crew roster.
Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from work calls and events
Student crew attire policy must be followed. No open toe or open back shoes while at a work call or event. No baggy or sloppy clothing. Black pants and a black shirt are the preferred attire for all stage crew members. No shorts are permitted during live events.
Crew members must maintain the same eligibility standards as athletes as outlined in the student planner.
Any stage crew member who becomes ineligible will be removed from crew duty for 2 weeks. Should that crew member be ineligible for 2 weeks in a row they will be removed from crew for 3 weeks. 3 weeks of ineligibility results in a month’s removal from crew. If a crew member continues to be ineligible after 4 weeks they will be removed from crew for the remainder of the Trimester.